The Project

Kinks & Thinks is a blog owned by Whitney Kouaho where the blogger speaks about her travels, writes movie reviews, and creates thought-provoking pieces about the lives of Black individuals. For this project, I created a logo and mocked up a website for the blog owner.

Challenge: KinksnThinks is a personal blog that needed a refreshed look that welcomed it’s readers and kept the readers intrigued to continue visiting the blog site.

Solution: Design a logo and website that is visually appealing and carries through the owner’s personality

Duration: 3 months

Tools: Adobe XD, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop


Logo Design




Site Map

In order to create a solution, I created a site map to figure out the architecture of the entire blog website while keeping the users in mind. The goal of this was to create a logical and maneuverable site.


BLOG mockup